I was sketching an overflow of thoughts a few minutes ago, hand-sketching after quite a long time of digital sketching. I noticed that I need to clear out some lines that I thought I did not need in the design. Right after deleting a couple of them, I happened to doubt myself and want to "see them back" and check if I really wanted them removed. "Ugh!" I thought! "It's a real paper drawing!!"
I paused for a couple of seconds until I really recognized what I was saying to myself.
Using digital tools has significantly impacted my readiness to make lots of changes freely and without thinking about the actual consequences because I knew I had this "ctrl+z" option in my tools!
I think now that the over-dependence on these digital tools has automatically, yet pretty much smoothly and unconsciously, changed our liability to realize that some steps of ours can not be reversed or undone! And even worse, we do not, amid all the busyness and "automaticity" of our everyday tasks, seem to be aware that we need to recognize this before it is too late.
After deciding to not use real tools in painting/drawing activities for more than five years now, today I consciously and deliberately decide to only use them from now onward. I also decide to always be aware of the actual non-existence of the "ctrl+z" / "undo" option.
I pray that we never, at any point in our lives, need to "undo" any mistakes.
Lots of love,