The "Broken Chair" of Geneva

 Have you ever seen or heard of this chair?

As you can see, it is giant wooden chair resting on three legs only and, obviously, has a broken one.

The artwork was designed by the Swiss sculptor Daniel Berset and was turned into a work of art by Louis Genève in 1997 with 5.5 tons of wood making its structure that is 12 meters in height (1). It rests straight in front the Palace of Nations in Geneva.

The message that it sends to the politicians visiting the Palace is: 

Remember the victims of landmines, urge your government to promote a ban on landmines. Think of making a stopover here before heading further to visit the international district(2).

I would so much love to leave you with this most recent artwork that "intertextualizes" with the original work:

Image Credit: Reuters (3)

It was created by a Swiss-French artist who used eco-friendly elements underneath the actual artwork. Read more about it (and watch a video too) here.

Wish with me the best to everyone across the world. 🙏

Beautiful day wherever you are :)



(1) Avital, T. (2020). The Confusion Between Art and Design [PDF]: Brain-Tools Versus Body-Tools. (p190): Vernon Art and Science Incorporated.


