We already know that (the man-made) Artificial Intelligence (AI) has proven itself, in some (or actually many) cases, much quicker and more efficient than human intelligence. However, what AI can not even imitate in our human nature is our sentimentality.
Sentiment, the exaggerated and self-indulgent feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia, actually defines a huge part of our identity and existence as human beings. As far as our existence is concerned, it defines our emotional existence in terms of past experience, human memory and human history - whether individual collective. The accumulation of all these dimensions of our human consciousness form and constantly shape our human identity. This means that our human identity and our awareness of this aspect of ourselves is never stable or static. It is always in a state of ongoing reshaping, deconstruction, and (re)construction.
Answering a question about what the essential difference is between itself and human beings, Robot Sophia said that it is the emotional aspect. She added that her 'creator' is working on developing this aspect in the future so that she can have 'emotional memory' and can learn how to emotionally respond and interact - just like humans do.
No matter what the possible future limits of AI might be, the uniqueness of the human nature will always surpass, outstand and outshine whatsoever man ''creates''.